I’m a California native living in Puerto Rico since February 2020. As passionate as I am about hanging my hammock in as many beautiful locations as I can. I am equally motivated to help make the world a better place than I found it. This is why I am here in Puerto Rico. Working full time for The Happy Givers NPO. We are dedicating our time, energy, passions, and talents to such causes as feeding, sheltering, and empowering some of those who are currently in a more vulnerable situation than most.
Would you join this journey with me? Follow along here or on social media or maybe one day you can join us for a day, a week, a month, a lifetime of giving of yourself to such causes.
I raise half my yearly income to help keep our overhead down and the NPO dollars in the heart of the work. If you’d like to partner with me and donate h please click the link below.